Certificates & memberships
Quality in all segments of business operations is one of the basic elements of the Milšped Group strategy and a reflection of a well-established, maintained and constantly improved quality management system.
ISO 9001 - “Quality Management System”
HACCP - “Food safety”
In 2007 introduction and certification of HACCP system represented a significant step in our business for we once more confirmed our orientation towards responsible business making in accordance with internationally acknowledged standards and recommendations. Constant care about the product health safety in supply chain is yet another primary goal of the company. Nowadays, by making business in accordance with the principles of HACCP system and good practice guidelines (GWP, GDP, GHP), we guarantee our clients safety of food products during transportation, storage and distribution.
ISO 14001 - “Environmental Management System”
Yet another step in the promotion of socially responsible business making is the introduction of environmental management system. The established system was certified in July 2015 as per the requirements of ISO 14001 standard.
We endeavor to minimize and whenever possible eliminate the negative effect of our business to the environment.
ISO 45001 - “Occupational Health and Safety System”
Occupational health and safety is one of the key elements incorporated in Milšped’s business. We are oriented towards care about people wherein we completely strive to give a good example of working in a safe and healthy working environment. In accordance with this we implemented and certified the system of occupational health and safety system. Initial certification was performed in July 2015 in accordance with requirements of OHSAS 18001 standard, and in July 2021 we confirmed that our OHS system complies with requirements of ISO 45001 standard. The policy of safety has the following elements incorporated as the basic goal:
- Business making with zero level of occupational fatalities or injuries causing disability.
- Business with zero level of lost time due to injuries at work.
ISO 27001 - “Information security management system”

The implementation of the information security management system was confirmed in mid-2022 by successful certification according to the requirements of the international standard ISO 27001. Adequate information management and protection is recognized as a key segment in the company's business. In accordance with the assessment of risks, vulnerabilities and threats, appropriate controls are established for risk management, preservation, confidentiality and availability of information.
TAPA FSR & TSR - Facility and Trucking Security (High Value Goods)

TAPA is an internationally acknowledged leader in the fight against crime in truck transportation. Leading freight forwarders join TAPA organization with the purpose to certify their own facilities, as well as goods storage, keeping and transportation.
As one of the leading logistic systems, in 2015 we implemented TAPA FSR standard of storage safety, especially high value goods (HVTT), and in doing so confirmed to our clients the highest level of their goods’ safety in supply chain regarding goods storage and keeping. In June 2018 we confirmed that our system complies with trucks security requirements, as required in TAPA TSR standard. Mišped was the first domestic company to fulfill the requirements of TAPA FSR standard and expanded the scope of the certification to trucking security for high value goods.
AEO - Authorized Economic Operator

In 2014 the Customs Administration awarded Milšped with the certificate confirming the status of Authorized Economic Operator (AEO). The AEO status represents the international acknowledgement of a company’s reliability including customs simplifications, security and safety. The validity of AEO certificate is unlimited.
In October 2014 we had submitted an application to gain AEO status to the Customs Administration and after detailed legal procedures were conducted, we received a confirmation of fulfillment of all the requirements to gain this status. As a result of AEO status, the Customs Administration will perform minor inspections of goods imported or exported by or via Milšped. In this manner, Milšped can use customs control reliefs regarding security, safety and simplifications foreseen by customs regulations.
The results of Milšped’s strivings and efforts in the previous period are as follows:
( 2014 ):
A warehouse for temporary storage, treatment and minimization of hazardous waste was built in accordance with Waste Management Plan.
The system for waste (sanitary and oiled) water purification was built.
The company also generated 164.363 tons of hazardous waste and 1.675 tons of hazardous waste and gave it over to the Authorized Operator for further treatment.
( 2015 ):
The company’s management made a decision to purchase new trucks only if they own Eco 5 and 6 engines.
A special system of staff, contractors and subcontractors training has been established.